Top 8 Power BI Dashboard Examples For 2021

Mark Thomas
11 min readDec 10, 2020


Today, for any business, Big data is an asset. However, if a business has lots of data and can’t process and segregate it to generate revenue it’s simply a waste. In such a case, these data set will cause more harm than good.

According to a survey by Forbes, more than 95 percent of businesses face some need to manage unstructured data. In another study, more than 87 percent of participants said that preparing data was critical and important to them.

If you are struggling with a similar problem then here is the solution — “Power BI Dashboards”.

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”- Peter Drucker’s

Power BI Dashboards can be of enormous help as they can help you understand data in a simpler way.


List of Top 8 Power BI Dashboard Examples:

#1. Customer Analysis Dashboard:

The first dashboard in our list is the Customer Analysis Dashboard is most useful for businesses who want to focus more on their customers. The dashboard offers valuable insight into profit for regional customers and product sales.

Source: Example of Customer Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard can be used in almost every industry where managers and business leaders can use it to analyze business growth. They can even make valuable business decisions to increase revenue, evaluate the profit distribution across customers, and drive profitability.

Source: Microsoft Power BI Community: Example of Customer Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard can be extremely useful for businesses that handle large amounts of data as it provides details about total profits and sales, previous and current year sales, and percentage growth.

For instance, a business can use different filters if they want to view data for different years. Also, managers and owners can gain valuable insight with this dashboard.

Some of the important insights include product-wise sales analysis, channel-specific sales and profits, and customer-specific growth and profit statistics.

Other than that, customers can also use charts to compare total sales and profit margins, and product performance and analyze client segmentation.

#2. HR Analytics Dashboard

Today, the HR department is a great example of the Power BI dashboard as it plays a huge role in any company. In fact, in the past few years, the scope of work for HRs has only expanded. HR analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at work. It includes everything from advanced predictive analytics to basic, descriptive statistics.

According to a report, more than 22% of companies have adopted HR analytics while 11% have adopted the role itself.

Source: Example of HR Analytics Dashboard

With so much data, HR departments need a proper dashboard which offers them a bird’s eye view of a company metrics including:

  • Demographic statistics
  • Financial statistics
  • Headcount statistics
  • Employee details

Organizations can drive employee productivity and make critical decisions with the help of this dashboard.

Power BI dashboard for HR provides valuable insight into headcount statistics. Businesses can also manage to view:

  • Total Headcount
  • Active Employees
  • New Joiners
  • Attrition Rate
  • Satisfaction Score by Employee
  • Attrition Rate by Education, Salary, and Experience

Source: Example of HR Analytics Dashboard

The dashboard offers its users with an accurate representation of the firm’s finances in terms of:

  • Cost to Company (CPC)
  • CPC by Departments
  • Compensation, Salary, Bonus, Overtime, and more

Lastly, it offers an overview of the individual employee, including

  • Employee personal information
  • Financial details
  • Current position
  • Absenteeism report
  • Performance
  • Annual leaves

#3. Sales Scorecard Dashboard

Businesses need to contently track their sales for different purposes. But, with too much data, it might get a little hectic to keep track of everything.

Also Read : 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Power BI Dashboard

Sales Scorecard dashboard is a simple answer to several different questions. It helps business organizations to track their sales and answer all the critical questions about sales performance.

This dashboard leverages several Power BI elements to build KPIs that can provide crucial and valuable insights to help sales managers. These Power BI elements include treemaps, cards, shapes, and DAX.

Source: Microsoft Power BI Community

This Power BI dashboard example can provide a business vital insight into the areas it’s selling per state, product, and region. This dashboard also gives you the ability to view comparisons of sales and profit against the previous years. This can help them put sales performance into perspective.

Managers can view the cost components of the business that are driving profits or losses. Also, they can filter the dashboard based on year and business segments.

#4. Social Media Monitoring & Analytics Dashboard

Social Media Monitoring and Analytics Dashboard is great for managers, marketers, and agencies. This monitoring and analytics tool can help your product quality, improve sales, and crisis control.

The tool can also help your business organizations understand your audience’s opinion about the product.

This dashboard shows data focused on different aspects of social media on monthly basis, including

  • Web Sources
  • Discussion Intensity
  • Online Influencers
  • Special Categories
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Quotes and Geolocation

Source: Microsoft Power BI Community

Its discussion intensity tab offers critical insight such as mentions on social media, total reach, and much more. You can also find a chart that shows influencers by impact, volume, and amplification.

Users can view User’s Mentions in Sentiment analysis by Day, Hour, and Total mentions along with the percentage of positive, negative, and neutral mentions.

Web sources show the channels from which the mentions emanated, including Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Photos, and Videos.

Businesses can utilize this Power BI dashboard example to view positive and negative mentions that are specifically based on geolocation, including regions and cities.

You can find influencers broken down by volume and impact under the online influencer section based on the months of the year. It always shows a breakdown of their follower whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.

#5. Executive Insights Dashboard

Executive Insights Dashboard is shed light on business performance and its overall health. This dashboard is helpful for business organizations as it gives them the ability to explore company-wide data-driven decision making.

Source: Executive Dashboards Forbes

Executive Insights dashboard allows businesses an opportunity to view their business data from more than one angles based on its attributes including:

  • Products
  • Country
  • Year
  • Order type

Source: Executive Insights Dashboard

This Power BI Dashboard example leverages different custom visuals for analysis such as line charts, pie charts, donut charts, and others.

It also gives business organizations several filters that can help them tell stories about business elements such as total profit and revenue. Managers, marketers, and other users can use it to gain crucial insight into metrics such as:

  • Profit margin
  • Average per order quantity
  • YOY percentage change in Total Profit
  • Top five products by Total Profit, Quantity, and Revenue

How these three Quantities are Distributed Geographically

Source: Executive Insights Dashboard

Key Benefits of Executive BI Dashboards are:

  • Visibility: Executive BI Dashboard offers you great visibility and insight to help you constantly know what’s exactly going on in your business.
  • Ongoing Improvements: Executive Dashboards allow you to measure your performance and thus improve it.
  • Time Savings: Executive dashboard will always show you the latest results saving your precious hours each month.
  • Judge Performance Against Your Plan: Executive Dashboard can automatically show your business goals versus your actual, real-time results.

The dashboard allows users to view their company’s overall performance based on specific product types.

#6. Attendance Tracker Dashboard

Attendance Tracker Dashboard is a Power BI dashboard which helps business administrators track the attendance pf employees across the different department.

This Power BI dashboard example can increase engagement between key stakeholders and drives critical conversations. Stakeholders of any business organization can increase their attendance and improve performance with the reports from this dashboard in different sectors.

Source: Employee Absenteeism Dashboard Template

The dashboard allows various features, for instance, it shows the Abssight into trends and goals. Plus, the chart offers a predicted range for the future.

Source: Microsoft Power BI Community

The chart also shows data about opportunities in business to help administrators target the most critical work. It provides crucial insight into relevant information about employees on weekly basis.

With this data, business administrators can reach out to employees on an individual basis and increase their productivity.

#7. Team Performance Dashboard

Team Performance Dashboard highlights the performance level and set targets for teams. Business leaders can share their targets with their teams regularly with the insight from this dashboard.

They can even evaluate how they score against their goal. Then the managers or business owners can find the areas for improvement that require more push such as products and customers where sales teams can focus on.

Source: Team Performance Dashboard

This dashboard uses drill-through and bookmarks to organize content and shows you the targets and bonuses within reach. It allows users to fluently move between pages, drill down on Sales Reps, Products, and Customers, and switch between visuals using the toggle.

The dashboard also allows users to switch between different Map and Bar visuals using the toggle image to view non-profitable customers, and more.

Besides, Team Performance Dashboard businesses can also compare performance and target cumulative variance for all customers. They can also open Customer Bookmark and drill with one click through customers.

This dashboard shows your average price, profit, and average margin within a location. They can also switch between Scatter and Matrix visuals using Toggle and identify new opportunities with customers.

#8. Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard

Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard is another great Power BI dashboard example as it provides a clear view of the company’s inventory for the year 2018. Companies can track stock availability and replenish them at the right time.

Source: Inventory Stock Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard broadly categorizes into product categories by customer views and inventory, category selection, and quarters.

The product categories can be further classified into

  • Most Viewed
  • Least Viewed
  • Products Not Viewed

Businesses can also view their Total Sales in percentage and USD-based classification. Product Categories are classified by Inventory into

  • In Stock
  • Running Out of Stock
  • Out of Stock

This Power BI dashboard offers valuable insights on Inventory and divides the top five products into individual categories and segments. In terms of total sales and overall percentage.

It offers users a stock prediction section where they can select product subcategories and average daily sales, days out of stock and replenishment days.

Source: Inventory BI Dashboards

This can help you predict in advance the right time to replenish your stock and stock availability based on factors such as Fulfillment Cycle and MarkDown Variance.

FAQs on Power BI Dashboard Examples:

How do I make a Dashboard in Power BI?

When you are creating a Power BI Dashboard the first thing you need is the right data. After then, when launch your Power BI application explore your dashboard. Then choose the chart which is right for your need. Then save and publish your Power BI Dashboard.

What is the difference between the Power BI dashboard and report?

Power BI Dashboard is helpful in organizing and visualizing data in real-time to gain valuable insights. While Power Bi reports represent a snapshot of a specific area of a business. They are do not display real-time information and uses bar graphs, charts, and tabular.

How long does it take to build a Power BI dashboard?

It depends upon the type of dashboard you are creating. But, on average you will require 3 to 5 days to create a simply style dashboard where all data sources are up to date and accessible.

What is Power BI desktop free?

Microsoft’s Power BI Desktop is a free application that lets you transform and visualize your data. It also allows your teams to build visuals and collections of visuals that can be shared as reports with other teammates.

Sales Scorecard vs. Sales Dashboard: What’s the Difference?

Sales Dashboard gives an overview of your business. Sales Scorecard measures your achievement and progress which respect to your overall goal. In simpler terms, a sales dashboard records the performance of their users while a sales scorecard informs them about their progress.

What is the primary difference between performance dashboards and scorecards?

A performance dashboard records the monitors the performance of an employee while a scorecard manages their performance.


In this blog post, we have tried to cover some of the most important types of dashboards in Power BI that can be useful for businesses.

These power BI dashboard examples can be replicated and used for several purposes across multiple industries.

What are the different purposes you can use Power BI Dashboard for?

This very powerful data visualization tool is used to track marketing, sales, human resource analytics, KPIs, inventory, and much more.

Many teams can collaborate on the same data and reports while they simultaneously share insights across applications. It also allows users to connect with more than multiple data sources to analyze their data.

Business owners and managers can promote valuable and crucial insights across departments while maintaining data accuracy, consistency, and security.

However, while Selecting the most powerful BI dashboard tool it is always best for businesses to not jump into a very advanced tool. The reason behind this is simple- “Learning curves can be steep and might require you more resources to just get up and running.”

But, in the case of a simpler tool, you and your team will have more space to create exactly what’s needed in a fraction of the time.

We all know now that with Power BI Dashboard businesses can create intuitive dashboards and reports. The visualization can help them both simplify their data and uncover deep hidden insights.

The dashboard provides insights into business performance and answers several questions. Hence, businesses can best utilize it to make data-driven decisions and put your business in the driver’s seat.

But businesses should always remember that, though the tool is only part of the equation to create a data visualization, designers should also consider other aspects of it.

Read Full Article about Power BI Dashboard Examples.

